St Ursula's Convent School

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The Friends of St Ursula’s Convent School “FOSTUR” has been created to foster links between school and home. We hope to encourage a feeling of ‘community’ amongst the parents and carers through its social events whilst at the same time raising funds for the benefit of the girls who attend the school. All parents and carers of St Ursula’s Convent School pupils are automatic members of FOSTUR.

The aims of FOSTUR are twofold:

1) To provide closer links between home and school. FOSTUR events will encourage staff parents, carers and friends to come together socially in support of the school working towards a common goal, and;

2) Fundraising activities for providing extra equipment or activities for the pupils, over and above that which the school provides from the funding received from the Local Authority.

Who we are:

A small group of parents have met and agreed to fulfill the committee roles for the current academic year.

Contact FOSTUR:

You can reach us on the email or follow our Facebook page. The link to the Facebook page will be sent out via email from the school office on request, or you can type in the address below and request admission.

Can You Help?

If you would like to help us in any way, please come to the next meeting (at a date to be advised via the weekly newsletter) or email us. We would love to hear your ideas! There are many ways you can assist FOSTUR and help the school. Attending future events is one way; however we will be welcoming all offers of help including the following: Raffle prizes for future events, Assistance with running future events , Cash donations are always welcome and FOSTUR are happy to receive money by bank transfer (please contact us for full details) or via Virgin Money Giving. The link to the donation page is remember that, as a charity, we are eligible to receive gift aid which means that for every £1 donated by a UK taxpayer we receive an additional 25p. 

Thank you for your future support; it is very much appreciated by the pupils of St Ursula’s Convent School.