St Ursula's Convent School

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St Ursula's Convent has a very strong Governing Body whose main tasks are to support the school, ensure that students receive high-quality education and plan for any future developments and improvements.

What do Governors Do?

Governors work as a team to develop strategies for developing and maintaining high standards of education at St Ursula's Convent School. They work closely with the Head who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the School. Should you wish to contact the Chair of Governors this can be done through the school.

Our Governors 

Mark O'Shaughnessy - Headteacher 

Pat Barber - Chair of Governors (Health & Safety)

Grannie Grabowski  - Vice Chair of Governors (Leadership & Management)

Lucy DIas - Staff Governor

Yvonne Epale - Foundation Governor (Safeguarding/CLA)

Matthew Filbee - Foundation Governor (Catholic Life and Mission/Teaching & Learning)

Helen Harris - Parent Governor (SEND)

Rosa Solinas - Parent Governor (Behaviour, Per. Development & Attitude )

Beatrice - Adong - Parent Governor

Daniel Hudson - Clerk Email: