Welcome to the English Department
The English Department at St Ursula's has long been known for its impressive academic success. The department is made up of an established team of experts, whose breadth of experience extends across the decades.We have taught generations of families, who remember their English lessons fondly for not only the strong academic foundation set for their futures but also the lively discussions and exciting texts.
The department has a clear vision and embeds key skills throughout all English lessons: students develop empathy and creativity, as well as learn to be analytical and articulate young people. From the moment they start at St Ursula’s - we guide, encourage and support our students to become learners who are collaborative and ambitious for their futures. Through literature and language, students are given the opportunity to hear and consider, a variety of voices across history, and the vast range of ideas, feelings and experiences these texts reflect. We believe that the skills we give our students equip them to, in the words of our Ursuline pledge, ‘challenge what is wrong and fight for what is right’.
Ms L Dias
Head of English